
I am the the Supervisor of Network Model Administration at ERCOT and am a power systems engineer.

I focus on power systems modeling and simulation across the planning and operations domains. I’ve built steady state, short circuit, and geomagnetic disturbance models for transmission planning, built real time operational models, worked with the Common Information Model, developed software tools, managed large software projects and integration, and mentored and lead engineering teams. My work has spanned the the grid operations and transmission planning domains.

At ERCOT, I lead team of engineers which builds steady state, short circuit, geomagnetic disturbance, and operational grid models of the Texas Interconnection. The team works to solve complex engineering problems while building the grid models and tools of the future .

I earned a B.S. in Electrical and Computer Engineering from Worcester Polytechnic Institute and am a licensed Professional Engineer in the state of Texas.

In service to the broader engineering community, I volunteer with IEEE and on university advisory boards. I’ve been the Chair, Secretary, and Program chair of the Chair of the Central Texas PI2 chapter, Vice-Chair of the Central Texas Young Professionals affinity group, a member of the 2025 PES General Meeting Local Organizing Committee, and am a IEEE senior member. I also on advisory boards for the Texas State Electrical Engineering, and Bismarck State College Electrical Transmission Systems Technology programs advising on the curriculums and workforce needs.

I’m interested energy systems integration to better plan and optimize the nation's energy system while integrating vast amounts of renewable energy, developing integrated national transmission systems, advancing grid simulation tools, plan for high impact low frequency events, maintaining grid reliability, technology development, and how to build high performing teams.